Sunday, October 10, 2010

Gurugulab's Gyaan on Gem Therapy

Always wear a gem stone of the Lord of the Ascendant for longevity, health, name, fame and wealth. The gem stone of the Ascendant - truely called the 'ruling stone' can be worn in the major or sub-period of any and every planet.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

You & Your Sun Signs

Aries [21st March –20th April]
As your sun-sign is governed by the planet Mars, you acquire vast energy, dynamic personality, charming manners, unlimited capabilities, bold and daring attitude towards everything in life. In fact, you become the pioneer in anything you venture into. You can excel in any constructive activity if you are able to channelize your natural energy. Being a quick tempered, mostly you regret over your passionate and hasty decisions. You can become a successful engineer, builder, manufacturer, sportsperson.
Taurus [21st April - 20th May]
As your sun-sign is governed by the planet Venus, you possess a natural magnetic and attractive personality with unaffected refinement and interesting wit. You have a special inclination for all the finer things in life including food, physical pleasure and personal comfort. You believe in sticking to relationships and, hence, you are always a warm and loving person towards your family members and friends. Sometimes, your stubborn nature makes you hard to get around once you make up your mind. Disappointment is difficult for you to handle. You can become an outstanding musician, artist and painter.
Gemini [21st May –21st June]
As your sun-sign is governed by the planet Mercury, you possess an intellectual type of personality, active, with charming and pleasing manners. You are impulsive, whimsical and a natural communicator and extremely talkative. Practically, everything in life interests you. You have a dual personality and there is a very thin demarcation between your liking and disliking. You are always willing and able to adapt to different situations and different people. You can become an outstanding writer, teacher, marketing personnel and mimicry artist.
Cancer [22nd June –22nd July]
As your sun-sign is governed by the planet Moon, you possess an interesting but somewhat enigmatic personality, capable of joy and friendship, straightforward, generous, upright and loyal to friends. You are the most emotionally vulnerable person. Your home and family is everything to you since you are greatly attached to them. You are shrewd with money. You take too much time when it comes to decision making. You can become an excellent doctor, healer, artist and cook.
Leo [23rd July –21st  August]
As your sun sign is governed by the planet Sun, you’re born adventurous, enthusiast, great entertainer, philanthropist and humanitarian. You can possess king size ego and somewhat stubborn nature. You always like to live every bit of life and are greatly inclined towards beauty of nature. You are passionate and idealist in your relations and are always surrounded by many friends and admirers. You can become a great sports person, showman, philosopher and even artist.
Virgo [22nd August –20th September]
As your sun sign is governed by the planer Mercury, you are a natural communicator and always believe in perfection. Your perfection seeking personality, sometimes, causes bitterness in your relations. You have remarkable abilities to adapt to different circumstances and people. You have great appreciation for physical pleasures and comforts, as well as, beauty and luxurious style. You can become a wonderful travel agent, travelling marketing executive, archaeologist and negotiator.
Libra [21st September –22nd October]
As your sun sign is governed by the planet Venus, you possess a great love for beauty, music, art and literature and have people oriented personality. You take a balance view of everything in life. You are disposed towards exhibiting good manners and tactful dispositions. Yours is also a sign of strategy. You can become a great judge, counselor, writer, musician and director.
Scorpio [23rd October –21st November]
As your sun sign is governed by the planet Mars, you possess enormous energy, strong desires and passions to control your relationships. Sometimes, your need to control, coupled with your passionate nature, gets out of hand and turns into jealously, possessiveness and need for revenge. You also have deeply inquiring dispositions. You can become an excellent investigator, researcher and mechanical engineer.
Sagittarius [22nd November –22nd December]
As your sun sign is governed by the planet Jupiter, you possess an idealistic temperament, love for truth and knowledge and a strong inclination for personal independence. You are always attracted towards final things of life and love to have outstanding social status. You enjoy the support of many friends and admirers. You can be successful as a scholar, educator, media person, diplomat, stock market speculator and investment broker.
Capricorn [23rd December –19th January]
As your sun sign is governed by the planet Saturn, you are extremely patient, goal oriented and ambitious. You have a great sense of humor. You are deeply attached to your family members and loved once. You are fond of physical pleasures and comfort of life. You can become a wonderful engineer, factory owner and miner.

Aquarius [20th January –18th February]
As you sun sign is governed by the planet Saturn, you are extremely patient, sometimes unpredictable, lover of history, music and sports. You love solitary existence also. You are somewhat stubborn and change in your opinion is impossible unless you can independently find a reason to change your mind. You can become a successful engineer, miner, historian and sports person.
Pisces [19th February –20th March]
As your sun sign is governed by the planet Jupiter, you are highly sensitive, shy and compassionate person. You adapt readily to changing circumstances and people. You lack confidence which sometimes becomes a hindrance to your progress. You always want to remain creative. You also like perfection. You can be a wonderful actor, story teller, writer, artist, dancer, educator and counselor.

© Gulab Jain, 2010